Run 984 - 09 Jul 2007

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Hash Run 984 La Mairena 9 July 2007

Hares - Lilo Lil and Tiffany

This one should have been named the extreme hash. Children were recommended not to take part, a bit of a downer as mine had just flown in from England.

As it was the advice was sound. Mountain climbing, lost hashers, broken limbs and wading through water up to our waist was the order of the day. Worse still was the sight of Septic and Trailer Trash who partook in a spot of naked hashing. 

Even those that wimped out and went offroading in Stiff’s car looked decidedly shaken at the end. 

 Supplies of chocolate brownies, water melon and Bucks Fizz manage to calm down an irate bunch, some of whom thought it was a bit too dangerous. However it was fair to say that a lot of effort had been put in and the hash awarded the hares a mark of 6

 In the circle there was the usual piss taking and laughter, and a Christening where Debbie was named something like Dippy Dopey Debbie.

 Even a last minute change of on on after the restaurant owner was bitten by a mad dog was no problem for the hares who found a good alternative venue (so I’m told).

 Ginger Minge


Run 985 - 16 Jul 2007


Run 983 - 02 Jul 2007