Run 1716 - 04 Oct 2020
Hash Stats:
Hares: Aquasex and Stiffany
Marks for the Run: High Nines.
Location: El Burgo
Number of Hounds: 30ish
Visitors: Some
Virgins: Possibly Some
Returners: Perhaps
Anniversarios: See below
Distance: 5-10 km Completion time: Quite a while
Hash Narrative:
And here we are gathered at the Las lagunas car park waiting for a bus which arrived in time to take us to a fantastic magical mystery run with our great hares Stiffanny and Aquasex.
Everyone was on board except Kindergarden Cop, who parked his car next to the coach and didn’t notice it, until someone have to call him and check his whereabouts!
Stricky gave us a mask and sanitizer, all very civilized!!! The coach journey was long but everyone enjoyed the view even some people with vertigo mentioning no names Colonic irrigation and From Behind. We then arrived at the viewpoint on top of a glorious mountain with a statue of Franco and his son pointing in the distance saying “that’s where I buried your mother.!”
Then after a P stop we were served a wonderful cheese ham and salad wrap, amazing! After that we all got back on the bus and some of us got off at the first stop which was the match oh run. Off we went down to them bottom of the valley down down down down down some marvelous scenery some wonderful fruit trees it was so very tempted to eat after around an hour we came down to a Wonderful swim stop.
It was 4 of them , but nobody was swimming... too cold ! On the way to a beer stop we nearly lost Ap your bum and Cabin boy (due a 2km check back. Ed). Doesn’t matter how much we hide , they still found us . Must be the smell of sausage rolls freshly baked by the hares . There was a beer stop but not only beer, oh no we had kind of a rose cava , ginger cake , sausage rolls you name it . we had also hula hoop crisps. After around 40 minutes we decided it was time to go and off we went on the second part of the run which took us down the rocks onto a viaduct to another swim stop . After a few drinks some brave people did swim . In about 20 min we end up back at the Village underneath the bridge for the fantastic circle.
At the circle everyone dressed up . There were Paul McCartney‘s there were 60s hippies there were strangely dressed people who we don’t really know who they were and some idiot in the German helmet with a water spray gun more about him later. The proceedings going on and we still had cava we still had cake and we still had Christmas cake left and after a short while it was time to get back on the coach and go to the fabulous outstanding wonderful Ginger Pig restaurant. There we enjoyed a wonderful dinner.
Wine was had by all and far too much of it at that, 8 o’clock then it was back on to the bus. Time to go home on the couch on the way back we enjoyed many songs by Sir Flakey and that strange luck with the German hat I don’t really remember much else after all that wine other than I think I drove home I can’t remember actually.
No masks or sanitizer on the way back , we were to busy singing !
Grate job ! Yours truly
Next Run #1716
"Mystery Run"
Sunday 04 Oct 2020
Meet at 12:00
Bus Departure
12:30 Sharp
Two Bus Pickup Points
Pickup 1
Camino De Campanales
Las Lagunas
Departing 12:30
Google Maps Link to pickup One
Pickup 2
Ginger Pig, Coin
Departing 13:00-13:15 ish
Google Maps Link to Pickup Two
This will be an away A to B run
Mystery Destination.
A free 33 seat coach will be provided
Thanks to generous sponsorship from
Stiffany, Aquasex and Mijas H3 Treasury
33 seats only
No Registration No Seat
7 seats remaining
as at 23:00 Tuesday 29th
Don’t Delay
Bus Registration
33 seats Only
Hash Name *One Hasher per submission please
Email *
Meal Registration
By Friday Please
Hash Name *One Submission per Hasher please
Email *
Starter *Choose One Vegetable Soup Chicken Paella
Main Course *Choose One Meat Lasagne Hake with Onions and Potatoes Veggie Option
Magical Mystery Tour.
Please Dress Accordingly.
Think Sgt Pepper. 60’s
Covid-19 New Normal
Groups of 10
in effect.
Circle: Location Unknown
Navigation to the Circle: No Google Maps link to the Circle this week due surprise destination.
Directions: See Bus pickup point above.
OnOn: Location Unknown
Navigation to The OnOn: Coach will stop at a surprise venue on the way back..
OnOn Menu: Surprise
Price: €15
Lost Soles: +34 600 80 59 07