Run 1728 - 27 Dec 2020
Hash Stats:
Hares: Markus Skidius and Yogi.
Marks for the Run: 8.1
Location: Usual spot, La Cala
Number of Hounds: 21
Visitors: A few
Virgins: Some
Returners: No name: Mike and Alison, hash-dog Kola, and Steve and Elaine
5 Comes More Often
5 Coco Giles
90 From Behind
Distance: 5-10 km Completion time: Not too long
Hash Narrative:
The very last hash of this special year, offers a blue skye and some 18 degrees to the 21 runners of the day in La Cala area. Epic-ish day!
Hares Yogi and Markus Skiddiuos offered us a long and proper trail, quite a few tricks on the go. Your scribe of today did all the possible Falses and Check-Backs available. Pewhh....
Trail nice and dry, no riverbeds, a few steep hills but since they do not kill us (although a few people quite think so) they will eventually make us stronger. I promise!
Another ”trick” or perhaps evidence of creativity was the new shape and form of blobs of flour. Long cocaine like lines in the ditch or in the center of the road or well pretty much anywhere, was telling us that we were on.
Reason for this seems to be that Bipolar Yogi-bear does show some signs of bipolarity, (!!) since he creates the run, on an electrical bicycle!!
Is this even allowed!?!
Prior to the always so welcome beer-stop, half of the crowd got confused and took a long extra turn, before eventually turning up by the beer-stop - very late. Extra super experienced Mummys boy and Stiffanny, who both did different trails missed the beer stop altogether.
Much to everyones confusion and not really believing it, since the two say the were on flour at all times.
At the beer stop a certain christmas cake was served. Markus Skiddious first claimed he had baked it for the better part of not only one but two nights. Then he alters the story and says the cake was stolen.
Only God (or Santa Claus?) will know the truth here. Anyway, harshers appreciated it, because all was consumed.
We did not enjoy a cava stop at this run, however pancreas and liver respectively may be thankful for a small pause on the alcohol intake, given the festive time of the year.
Virgin Helen from the southern hemisphere (South Africa, or Australia? ) was enjoying our company and did very well remembering not only 3 but 5 hasher's name, much to everyones joy. Epic
Cumms more often has come 5 times to the Mijas hash) (or at??) She also manufactured a spoon - which of course will be used more apropriately as a wip, (!!) from natures rich green branches.
She shares the anniversario and number of runs, with superhasher dog Coco Giles. (number of runs without the owners!) She may soon be given a dog-hasher name, in the absence of her very much missed owners.From behind celebrates 90 hashers.
Well done all!
However you may want to consider to get a life....!
Returners were: No name: Mike and Alison and hash-dog Kola, and Steve and Elaine.
Run score 8,1.
Not Epic, however Epic-ish. The word of the day!
At the On-on we discover Sandra Bullox, who is not hashing today, she got busy celebrating her birthday!
Without us!
We were not even invited!
I can forsee a down-down later. Possibly with complementary crisps....
We wish her the best of course, and we enjoyed the excellent food, delicous wine and very good service of Pura Asia.
Good job everyone, GM and RA included!
Happy new year! See you all On.On the other side.
Yours truly S.A.R.S.
Next Run
27 Dec 2020
13:00 hrs
Markus Skidius
Covid 19
Restrictions Apply
If any Hasher feels at risk
from such gathering then
the Hares
advise you NOT to attend
Please help Yogi and Markus by Registering your OnOn Attendance
Thank you for registering!
Enjoy the run.
Markus and Yogi
Circle: La Cala
Usual corner carpark start by school.
Navigation to The Circle: Google Maps link to the circle
Lat. N 36.511051°, Long. W-4.677400°
Directions: ***See navigation above***
Inland from Aldi and football ground.
OnOn: Pura Asia
Av. las Gardenias, 22, 29649 La Cala de Mijas, Málaga
Tel: 951 35 28 53
A generous oriental feast and half bottle of wine all for €15.00
Please register for the meal to avoid disappointment and help your hares.
Navigation to The OnOn:
Google Maps link to the OnOn
Lost Souls: ———-