Run 1687 - 22 Mar 2020


☣️ Special Covid-19 ☣️

"Where there a will there’s a Run"

Hash Stats:

Hare: Stiffanny
Marks for the Run: 8-10
Location: Mijas Campo
Number of Hounds: 1 & a dog: (I have heard there was another hasher &Dog later).
Visitors: 0
Virgins: 0
Returners: 0
Anniversarios: 0

Hash Narrative:

What a lovely morning to set a Hash!

Unfortunately, I was doing the run in the afternoon and heavy rain showers were forecast!
I was advised by Stiffanny that I would find the trail just as I approached the Campo next to the Bins on the right! As I approached the pre mentioned Bins and with excellent peripheral vision I spotted a white blob on a trail to the right-hand side of the bins!!!

This could be a good start.

As we were void of a “GM” a “Hash flash” or even additional hashers I promptly declared the Run Off.
Knowing there was a blob of white to the right hand side trail off I went at steady walking pace. On On I shouted (In my mind) and did not have wait to long to find my white blob was a water bottle. “On back” I mumbled to myself. Once back at the bins the obvious trail skirted the road and led into the campo. As I walk this route every day I thought this was going to be a walk in the park (Campo) but Stiffanny had put a little thought into this and at the next markings she had me going the wrong way again!

By this time the clouds were starting to roll in and were taking on a more threatening appearance. Little “Eve” was unperturbed by all this and enjoying the extra wee & pooing time. The trail took us back on to the main track, off down another embankment, across a petite stream and up the steep bank to a check!

I got this one right! and before long I was shouting On On (In my mind). Onwards and upwards went the trail. Next we passed a derelict old building with the clouds now in full “Its going to piss down” black mode. I was just waiting for the camera crew to appear for film shot of the “Walking dead” needless to say it did not happen.

“Eve” and I headed back into the valley only to find we were off trail! It had to be to the right and within a few metres we were back on track! Yet again thinking “On On” (in my mind) we made our way across a mud bath! With “Eve” safely cradled in my arms we traversed the muddy puddle and went back onto the main dirt road, on flour, up the bank and it was “On-In” just as the heavens started to open up!

Well done “Stiffanny” for getting me away from old repeats of “Father Ted” Next weeks run TBA. Should you wish to do something similar within Government guidelines please advise on the Web page or social media.

On On forever.
Sir Flakey.
(The events described lasted no more than 15 minutes and took place within 250 from his home. Ed.)


Run 1688 - 22 Mar 2020


Run 1686 - 15 Mar 2020