Run 1710 - 30 Aug 2020
Hash Stats:
Hares: SARS and Super Pooper assisted by Colonic
Marks for the Run: 9.0
Location: Parque El Esparragal
Number of Hounds: 32
Visitors: None recorded
Virgins: Denise, Oliver & Michael (Crooner 19)
Returners: Lots
25 Suxit
25 Inside Her
Distance: 5km wimps trail & 7.5km for machos
Hash Narrative:
The day started off with lower temperatures, windy and overcast, perfect day for the hash, however by the time 17.30 came along the skies were blue and the temperatures had risen substantially.
This was run number 1710 and it was organised by two of our newest hashers SARS & Super Pooper, this was going to be their first and I am sure the beginning of many runs to come.
SARS & Super Pooper found the route themselves and had the assistance of Colonic to prepare it.
A great crowd turned up at the Parque El Esparragal on the Camino de Coin road prompt on time. There was plenty spaces to park and shaded areas for the circle.
The GM Kindergarten Cop welcomes 3 virgins, well 2 virgins and 1 Crooner 19 who had joined us for a few Zoom runs and was actually named before he had actually done a physical run.
The run started off and all was good, it was a very pleasant run for a hot summer afternoon. There was a 5km wimps trail and a 7.5km machos trail and there were no false trails or check backs…
The front runners set off and the rest of us strolled along happily to find the Beer Stop, however someone couldn’t even wait for beer stop and ended up doing a de-tour to the nearest bar… yes Uncle Fester was missing in action and not seen until the end of the run.
As we were reaching the beer stop, a few of us noticed how certain hashers who were behind us happened to now be in front of us… Beer stop was in a great location, shady with a great breeze.
On return to the circle the Hares had prepared gin tonics to quench everyone’s thirsts and an amazing Swedish finger food picnic.
The was a slight mishap where Sunny, Speed Bumps dog deciding to eat the wraps to the shock of the Hares, however Speed Bumps was punished by Colonic and made to sit on ice and the Hares improvised.
The new Hares received some constructive feedback on their run and received a fantastic score of 9/10.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful food, drinks and as always the best company.
Happy Hashing…
Sandra Bollocks
Next Run #1710
Sunday 30 Aug 2020
17:30 HRS
SARS, Super Pooper
assisted by
Covid-19 New Normal
Groups of 10
in effect.
Please Help your Hares
by registering your
attendance and wine choice.
Hash Name *One submission per hasher please.
Email *
Wine Selection*Choose One Red White Rosé Softies, Agua etc.
Circle: Parque El Esparragal
Navigation to the Circle: Google Maps link to the Circle.
Directions: The BBQ park on the Coin Road past Tamisa Golf Hotel or before, depends which way you come from!
OnOn: Also at Parque El Esparragal
A Swedish picnic in the park.
Bring with you:
A Chair to sit on!
A table if required (tablecloth optional)
A glass for wine/beer or soft drinks
The food is Swedish finger food and wine but if you want cutlery and plates you must bring them with you, There will not be any plastic!!
It may be getting dark when we finish the circle ( Depends on that RA) so a flashlight (torch) could be good.
Navigation to The OnOn: See Google Maps link to the circle above.
OnOn Menu: Smorgasbord - Swedish finger food and wine.
Price: €7.00 includes Gin and Tonic, Wine and Finger Food,
Lost Soles or Info:
Tel: Colonic 630 729 769 or Sars 638 234 660