Mijas Hash House Harriers

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Run 1712 - 13 Sep 2020

Hash Stats:

Hares: Shagadelic and Crooner 19
Marks for the Run: No idea.
Location: Playa Padre Marbella
Number of Hounds: Low Tuernout
Visitors: Pop My Brown Hole and his partner
Virgins: None recorded
Returners: From behind
Anniversarios: Quite a few but of not:
75 Runs - From Behind
Distance: 5-15 km Completion time: Quite a while

Hash Narrative:

The Back to School Run

Despite the pin, the circle point on the beach did take a little time finding. A great location though once we managed to get there. However, a visitor (Pop My Brown Hole) and his partner, originally from Patia, Bankock did manage to find it without any problem!

The hares ( the Headmaster and his Mistress) gave us a long explanation about the route, a high point being that there were no less than three Beer Stops! The marking through the town was however on chalk, always difficult to spot.

The route set off very pleasantly along the paseo and after quite a long way then turned into the town. Yours truly was crocked with a badminton injury so I was not able make the first Beer stop in Lemon square – a good location according to those who did make it. I managed to join them at the second Beer Stop.They then joined the paseo heading away from the cars while I hobbled back to the circle.

The run, from numerous accounts, went down hill from this point. It went a long way in the “wrong” direction to the third BS. After which it went further away from the start point. The pack mutinied at this point and simply walked back along the paseo to the start. The hares had over reached themselves!

Back at the circle any other more experienced hares may well have received Hash Shit, but the hashers took a benevolent view and did not punish the hares too severely. I'm sure they took into account the fact that it was Shagadelics first haring in many years (Actually her first since Run 1664 on 19 Nov 2019. Ed.) and Crooner 19's very first outing in that role. With a low turn out the circle was, nevertherless very entertaining. The only anniversario was From Behind, back from Norway, who had completed 75 runs.

A very convivial picnic on the beach followed, only somewhat marred by the total lack of wine … and indeed whine (about it) we did!

Your Scribe (once again)


Next Run #1712

Sunday 13 Sep 2020



Crooner 19

Your Headmistress needs to know who is coming to the OnOn Picnic
Please Register Now
Special Detention for those who don’t

Hash Name *One submission per hasher please.

Email *

Covid-19 New Normal
Groups of 10
in effect.

Circle: Playa Padre Marbella

Full school uniform required. Assembly starts at 16.00 sharp! Anybody late for registration will have to report to the Headmaster. Bring your picnic equipment and a chair. Bring 1 euro pocket money - there will be a tuckshop stop.

Navigation to the Circle: Google Maps link to the Circle to be confirmed.
Directions: See Google Maps link above.

OnOn: Near the circle on Playa Padre, Marbella.
Navigation to The OnOn: See Google Maps link to the circle above.

OnOn Menu: A picnic on the beach

Price€5.00A packed lunch and refreshments will be provided for 5 Euros

Lost Soles or Info:
Tel: +34 711 041 846