Run - 1822 - 25th September 2022 RED Dress Run

Run Report 25 September 22

Run number – 1822 THE RED DRESS RUN OF '22 – On Behalf of “AGE CONCERN”

Hares – Blanca Wanka and From Behind

Location – Fuengirola Feria Ground

Runners – 22

Virgins – 0

Visitors – Bum Bite Lady in Red

Run Score – 9.5

Anniversarios – none, hash Cash not present

We gathered on a beautifully hazy, September afternoon hot foot to be off and shaking our cans for “AGE CONCERN” … which according to their criteria for “aged” was over 50, so since that apllied to most of us, it was a bit like collecting for ourselves.

The hares had spent a lot of time (and apparently quite a few arguments) on the route of this run. We were given a map with approximately 30 bars on it and given intructions to, at least walk past all of them (they had “Age Concern tins inside”)

We initially had one visitor, Bum Bite an ex Madrid hasher and friend of Blanka Wanka.

She was introduced into the circle and given the traditional mamory test. However, further along the route a second visitor, Lady in Red all the way from Argentina arrived, a friend of Red Hot Chillie.

So we got off meandering along the empty streets and bars of siesta time Fuengirola.

Clearly this was the wrong time of day to get a good collection. To quote a subsequent comment by our hare “we need to do this on Thurday, Friday or Saturday evening in future, then we'd get 3 or 4 times” the 450 euro that we eventually got. Incidentally … our hares went out drinking after the on on and raised quite a bit of money all on their own!

Yours truly stuck close to the hare on this part of the run and thus arrived without incident at the first beer stop, a bar close to the sea front. Surprise, surprise, we spent quite a long time in there before moving off to the socond beer stop which was in the puerto car park and manned by Jerry Can.

Subseqnetly, time was passing and we needed to to get back because to the circle because the booking time for the on on was approaching. Thus a whole raft of bars were missed out as we followed a direct route to return directly to the circle.

Back at the circle the visitors were questioned and many down downs were given. The hares received a creditable 9.5 (though there calls for it to higher.) Thus we departed for the on on

which turned out to be excellent value – 11 euro for a roast dinner, for those who chose it.

Thus ended another great day on the hash!

Your Scribe – Kindergarden

So we arrive at the cava stop where the co-hare, Claudia Shaver had been waiting for two hours! What a long run … indeed 13K in total.

So after this it was up, up and up... to eventually arrive back at the circle.

This followed in the usual style, though it was a little unusual in that the The Cardinal was not officiating, he had arrived late to collect the beer for next week's run) and so From Behind had the rare opportunity to run the RA's part of the circle.

The On On was close by at Juan Berrocal and after the wintry cold of the run, it was in a nice, warm room.

On On Your Scribe



Run - 1823 - 2nd October 2022


Run - 1821 - 18th September 2022 Back to School Run