Run No 1623 - Arroyo Seco
With the threat of rain all day it was a small band of 16 hardy hashers that turned up the circle on Arroyo Seco, off the Coin road. A well know haunt of past hashes discussions were already afoot about which routes the Hare's had chosen. Given the warning (only on Facebook though) about getting feet wet all knew they were in for some cascading waterfalls in the mix.
Hares did their usual job of confusing everybody with flower markings, particularly as the droned on and on about one marking that was never to be seen and completely forget to tell us about special markings on the "For Super Whimps" trail.
Glad to see 'Mummys Boy' at the circle helping out. 'Just Say When' ready at hand with car battery and jump leads in case.....
So off we trotted with 'Master Bates', 'Kindergarten Kop' and 'RubHer Turd' taking the FRBs. A easy jaunt saw all of us keeping together until the fabled "H" sign (NOT) when the party split up between Whimp and Macho trails. Yours truely took to the Whimp trail but judging by events at the circle the watery Macho trail lived up to its standards of providing plenty of spills and accidents (well it wouldn't be a Mijas Hash now if we didn't have at least one fatality per run). In this case 'Markus Stickus Lickus' (if thats the right name) and RubHer Turd needing the attention and warm hands of 'Sweet & Low' on severely lascerated legs.
Those of us on the Whimps trail came across strange markings that gave no clue other than confusion. Luckily 'Pepper Grinder's' better half was with a group to give clue to the proper trail. And what an off trail it was. If that was a Whimp run then heaven help the Macho runners. Both I and the GM, in the interests of our pet dogs, chose to continue past what was to be the Super Whimp trail and a short short run onto the BS. Yea. Having waited 40 minutes and several beers for the others to catch up all resumed what was an easy run in to the circle.
'From Behind' was in his usual job as sweeper but had to go AWOL in his search for Bella, 'Streaky's dog on tour. All came right though and all reached the circle.
The GM did his usual stuff which involved lots of people getting called in for 'down downs' a bite constantly having to call to order one drunken Bristolian and a hasher from either Lancashire or Yorkshire (I couldn't quite get his name or whoes side he was on in the war of the roses).
Hares were given a creditable 9.2 many due to the Macho runners enjoying getting themselves wet, cut and bruised. Hashers are strange folk.
Anniversary shouts for:
Frank? 5
From Behind 32
Master Bates 95
and Just Say When a whopping 340
RA duties were admirably taken up by 'Kindergarten Kop' and newly baptised 'Yogi Bear' (CPR a speciality). The Bristolian (whoes hash name, like mine, is not on the contact list) continued to interrupt proceedings. So much so we ran out of 'piss pouring beer'!! Fortunately their was sufficient cave to make up for it, having been missed on the Macho trail (call yourselves hashers).
Now the best bit. Having ascertained that the OnOn was in the middle of nowhere we all convoyed over hill and dale, dirt track and farm field until the restaurant hove into sight. Greeting us was 'Speedbump' and friend plus 'Salmonella Rushdie' hot from Rota. A brilliant meal followed with quantum wine and pasheran being drunk.
Great find by the Hares and certainly will become a regular OnOn venue going forward.
Your humble scribe