Run 1670 - 13 Dec 2019

Hash Stats:

Hares: Streaky.
Marks for the Run: 9.99 /10
Location: Restaurant Casa Danesa -Mijas.
Number of Hounds: A Lot.
Visitors: N/A.
Returners: Not Counted
Anniversaries: None Notified.

Hash Narrative:

Christmas Ball and Run no. 1670

What … The Christmas ball and a hash run at the same time! What on earth is going on?

Let me enlighten you all … well all who didn't go the the event.

When Colonic Irrigation was planning the upcoming Campout, he realised that 3 weeks after that event, as things stood, we would be holding our 1700 Run.

And it seemed like a good idea to have the anniversary run on the actual weekend. This therefore meant that we needed to fit in 3 more runs in the intervening time.

Hence … a hash run at the beginning of the evening.

The Run 1670

The Hare was Streaky (who also organised the whole event)

Location – The Danish Centre at the bottom of the Mijas road

A circle was called and we set off to do a conga hash. But the DJ didn't have the music so went did our best do the stepping to something like the birdies song (it wasn't that but it was something like it.) We proceeded outside to the beer stop, which was in fact a cava stop. After much imbibing we returned inside for the final circle. Sir flakey received a down down for a rule 4 violation and after the overnight reults of the Genral Election where Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party lost very heavily, a look alike was called in and Corbyns words of that morning were quoted “ I still think Labour's policies are popular with the public”

Thence to the dinner

Hash Christmas Ball

A superb meal then followed. I have never seen so much meat on a (well at least a hash) table. After the main course the GM Kinder began the annual awards ceremony.

The Awards were -

Run of the Year- Speed Bumps and I'm Easy (Eliza)

Most hared – Just Say When – 18

Best On On – won jointly between Salmonella Rushdie and Appy Ending and Semen Stains

Best scrible – Shagadelic

Hash Shit – Rob the Knob

Get a Life Award (most attendances) – Sweet and Low – 48

Best New Hasher - More Fanny Now

Best Piss Pourer (of all time) – Swiss Roll

Special Awards Never Before Presented

1 The Hash Crash Club Special Award for Outstanding Effort – Mummies Boy for his heart attack and near death experience

2 Most hared since electronic recording began in 2005 -

Order 3rd Mummies Boy with 58, 2nd Stiffany with 81, WINNER – Just Say When with 85

3 Above and Beyond the Call of Duty – Sir Flakey …. GM of the past year and central organiser for the Best Year of hashing (in my personal exerience). He, with others, organised the biggest event in the history of Mijas Hash, the 30th Anniversay, this last May with 350 attendees coming, quite literally, from all over the world. The event was a fantastic success! Later came the Campout in Cabo de Gata and later still, a great day out on the AGM run.

After the Awards the postre was taken and then there were two hash acts – Rob the Knob gave two of his original poems and Yogi said a few words inbetween Rob's performances.

Then, of course, it was dancing the night away with our DJ for the evening R2D2 perhaps better known as Steve from Malaga Hash

Itinerary Christmas Ball 2019.png


Run 1671 - 15 Dec 2019


Run 1669 - 08 Dec 2019