Mijas Hash House Harriers

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Run 1639 - 21 May 2019

30th Anniversary
Gibraltar Run

Hash Stats:

Hares: Streaky and Stiffany
Location: Gibraltar

Hash Narrative:

Gibraltar was the final run of the event.

We started with the Red Dress Run on the Thursday 16 May in Mijas.

This was followed by the big six runs on the Saturday and the Hare of the Dog runon the Sunday.

On Monday Malaga Hash did a hash in the city of Malaga and thence to the final run in Gibraltar on the Tuesday.

Two full coaches made the journey. The opening circle was in a large, grassed park area.

We first meandered around the sub tropical gardens close to the cable car and stopped in it's large car park to receive our packed lunches and beer.

Then to to cable car queue …. and boy what a queue!

I waited for one hour and forty minutes. The problem was that a cruise ship had taken up one of the two car systems, the hash, along with members of the public, were having to share the remaining one.

By the time we reached the top, all thoughts of following a trail had gone. So we nevertheles enjoyed a very pleasant walk along the ridge line of the rock before we decided to come down. Time being short, we elected to come down the many stairways, pausing occasionally to walk sections on the road.

Arriving finally at the bottom, we hot footed it to the site of the circle …..

only to find no-one there! It had clearly been moved to another location … but where? After looking around for a while, we decided to cut our losses and go directly to the On On.

This was a very nice location by the water. We met with a few other straggelrs and enjoyed a well earned drink. Eventually the rest of the paty arrived and the meal was served.

All in all, a bit (a bit???) of a cock up, but nevertheless it was a great day and we enjoyed it enormously.

Also … whenever we go to Gibraltar in the future, we will never forget our hash there!

Your Scribe

The amazing “Gibraltar Rock Run” This is“Stiffanny” & “Streaky`s” infamous run around the Rock, if you have been lucky enough to get on this run you will not be disappointed