Run No 1634 - 18 May 2019
30th Anniversary - Run Number 3
Almogia River & Mountains (Blue)
Hash Stats:
Hares: Just Say When, Stiffany, Dead Animal and Foxy Lady
Marks for the Run: -
Location: Almogia River & Mountains
Number of Hounds: -
Visitors: -
Virgins: -
Returners: -
Anniversarios: -
Distance: -
Hash Narrative:
Hash Scribe: Not Known - No Submission
Hash Flash: Golden Cascade and Aphrodisiac
This will be a run in the true “hash meaning” of the word including a “swim” for the adventurous but the Hares will advise on a dry route to by-pass the aquatic challenge for none swimming Hashers.
This run is located is spectacular country side and is not too challenging and will finish in a fantastic area on the banks of the river. This run is approximately 9kms and the coach ride to this run site is 45 minutes