Mijas Hash House Harriers

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Run 1653 - 18 Aug 2019

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Weather Forecast - Hot

Hash Scribes: Kindergarden Cop and Cabin Boy

Hash Scribblings Part 1
Circle to the steep hill out of the river bed

Your scribe set off a bit early hoping for a pre-run swim in the lake shown next to the circle. Sadly the hares had had a navigational meltdown (it was hot) with the circle being some 6km from the indicated location and nowhere near a lake. The hares blamed poor mobile reception when setting the run. A problem not experienced by hashers on the day.

It was hot. Very hot. 40º hot. The circle was in a flattish area devoid of shade apart from an overgrown bonsai tree. Hashers began to arrive with Titanic setting up her haberdashery stall complete with in-store music.
Attendance was excellent with only a small number failing to overcome the navigational malfunction and missing the Hash.

Formalities complete the pack set off with the trail leading down into a dried out gulch looking like a scene out of Mad Max or Lawrence of Arabia. It was quite a change as some months prior, during a 30th anniversary run, the gulch had been full of water.

During these early stages markings were few and far between. It being assumed that resident goats had eaten the flour.

The gulch looked dry and hard but all was not as it seemed. Lurking just under the surface was quicksand, or rather quick black mud. A goat had been fooled and as the pack arrived it was being sucked into the morass. Her owner was struggling to save his goat. Enter Hash heroine Speed Bumps who with total disregard for her own safety waded in and saved the day. One would think that a goat having been trapped in quick mud under a blazing sun might want a cool drink after escaping death. Not a bit of it. Said goat got up, climbed a cliff, and was away. Tough critters these Spanish goats. Speed bumps was covered in black mud for her troubles.

Drama over one or two hashers and a hash dog ignored the hazard, walked where the goat had ventured and started sinking. All quickly escaped.

Eventually the trail was located leading south along a dried waterway. It was pretty easy going as the pack passed a quaint stone bridge followed by a cooling tunnel. Out in the sun it was fiendishly hot. As the trail led out of the waterway up a 65º hill (a shallow gradient in hare-speak) scribe #1 abandoned ship and returned to the circle.

After a time King Canute ambled back. Having, he said, completed the entire course while barely raising a sweat. Other hashers were not so fortunate with Chicken George deploying his camper bus to evacuate two loads of exhausted hashers who were unable to proceed.

Hash Scribblings Part 2

So the pack continued up the steep hill. Stiffany was going for her own personal challenge ,,, to complete a full hash, after such a short time since her open heart surgery. She did find the hill a little challenging, but after a few rests and some water brought down the hill to her, she made it to the top. Only to be berated by her partner (Sir Flakey) for attempting such a "stupid thing" (his words.) Apparently he didn't fancy having a dead wife on the trail.

The top of the hill was the Beer Stop and after that it was downhill and through a tunnel to the reservoir, where many of us had a swim ... wonderfull!

Then it was a stiff climb up the hill to the road and a lift back to the circle for all of us in Chicken's camper van or Just Say When's car.

Thence to the circle. With no RA, the new GM, Kinder, doing his first circle as official GM managed to punish quite a few few people and reward ... well almost no-one actually. However, Sir Flakey was thanked for continuing to run the circles, since the new GM had gone off on holiday immediately after taking up office. Thereafter we went back down the valley to eat in the restaurant "La Junta".

More Videos from Run 1653 Here

Complete Photo Album Here

Hot news 16:34 Sunday 18 Aug

continue about 6km on from marked circle.

from Next Run #1653
Almogia River Run

Sunday 18 Aug 2019 - Time 17:00hrs


Just Say When

Chicken George

Join us for this Short easy but picturesque run. Remember to bring your swim attire and a towel


Just off the A-7075 on the eastern side of Rio Campanillas a short way past Presa de Casasola dam.

Navigation to The Circle:

Latitude , Longitude

Near Almogía, Málaga

Revised link to the circle. Paste in your browser


Coming from Fuengirola leave the A7 at junction 235 exiting for A-7075 to Almogia.

Head northwards on the A-7075 in the direction of Almogia.
Drive through the village of Junta de los Caminos and continue on the A-7075.
After approximately 9.5km HHH signs will guide you to the circle.

See navigation above.

On on at Venta La Junta.
Calle Junta de los Caminos, 19, 29190 Málaga
Extensive menu

Navigation to The OnOn:
Google Maps link to the OnOn.

Price: Pay as you go

Lost Soles:
Phones: Just Say When 642562524 / Chicken George 603669924