Run 1693 - 03 May 2020

Run 1693.png

Virtual Run #1693

St George’s Day

Sunday 03 May 2020
13:00 hrs

Hare: Colonic Irrigation

Assisted by Elvis

Mijas H3 - Hash Flash Seaman Staines -  Run 1693  - 03 May 2020 - Photo1.jpeg

Hash Stats:

Hare: Colonic assisted by Elvis
Marks for the Run: 9.99
Location: Zoom Virtual Trail Urbanizacion Lew Hoad
Number of Hounds: 21
Visitors: Kannot Kan, The Couple in Red and Francine from Aberdeen
Distance: Not quantified
Virgins: Nil
Returners: Everybody
Anniversaries: Same as six weeks ago
Max Elevation: Not Determined Completion time: 1hr 09 minutes.

Hash Narrative:

Another outstanding virtual run this time from Elvis and his assistant. Sorry, Colonic assisted by Elvis. It was a St Georges day run. A week late but whatever.

The run started on asphalt but soon we were off into a wonderland of Andalucian campo. We had the lot. Babbling brooks, a cascading waterfall, echoing caverns and flooding tunnels.

There were two beer stops each with a video blast from the past.

Number one was a gem from Moscow circa 2011 with Colonic and Gang Bang in pre Elvis days. Colonic related a GangBang ski-lift joke. We couldn’t see the ski slope as I guess lighting in Moscow at that time was limited.

Number two was a balloon inflating competition from some years past featuring Dipper laying on his back looking very very happy while an unidentified young lady bounced up and down operating her inflation device.

The trail took a toll on Colonic toward the end. He was clearly struggling up the final hill as Elvis disappeared into the distance.

Back in the circle there were down downs for our visitors in red (Labelled Paul Lopez) and a special down down for Mijas H3 Spielberg and video editor Eggshell Blonde who is wondering whether he needs another computer.

Uncle Fester was on a budget and celebrated his birthday during lockdown. He has had so many that a quick search of the hash vaults soon produced a video starring a younger Uncle fester in pirate garb being serenaded by the Hash. Happy birthday Uncle Fester.

Sir Flakey delivered a eulogy to mark the passing of Mijas H3 hasher Pitter Patter. RIP Pitter Patter.

Lockdown continues and our virtual hares for next week are Justin and Lip Service.

Your Scribe
The Editor.

Next Virtual Run #1693

St George’s Day

Sunday 03 May 2020
13:00 hrs

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Hare: Colonic Irrigation

Assisted by Elvis

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Run 1694 - 10 May 2020


Run 1692 - 26 Apr 2020