Run 1698 - 07 Jun 2020

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-08 at 11.16.24.jpeg

Hash Stats:

Hares: Markus Skidius and and Sir Flakey
Marks for the Run: Not cited
Location: La Cala

Number of Hounds: 31
Visitors: Possibly 2
Virgins: -
Returners: Not Counted
Sweaty Orifice – 10 Marcu Skideus – 55 King canute – 75 Sir Flakey – 650 Dog's Bollocks – 795 (more than any other hasher, including the founder!)

Distance: not reported Elevation Change: not reported Completion time: Over 2 hours

Hash Narrative:

First Run After the Covid 19 Lock Down!!!

Since we are/were still in phase 2 of the lock down process, only 20 people were allowed to go for walking in the sierra. We therefore organised a registration process so that we would know how many hashers would be attending. It was decided that if there were more than 20, then two groups would be formed … groups A and B. Ultimately there were 31 attendees.

On the day, the first 20 who paid their run fee formed group A. This group set off early after a very short circle. Group B followed at the advertised time ten minutes later.


The early part of the route followed a river bed which ran through the middle of a golf course. Eventually went got out into open campo - much of which was totally untouched by the hand of man. Quite beautiful!


Eventually … and apparently it was after only six kilometres, we arrived at the Beer Stop. Certainly for me, and think many others, a most welcome sight! It was on a cul-de-sac by a small and profoundly muddy lake, which the dogs enjoyed. For those who came wearing their swimming costumes (after Sir Flakey's suggestion in the Run Info) it was a big disappointment!


From the BS was a was a short run in back to the start point. After the usual break, in which time several people feft, there was a massively distanced circle - hashers basically stood/sat either in or by their cars, with an odd few closer in. Shitler made an appearanance and subsequetly was made to sit on the ice for one of the biggest wind ups in Mijas Hash history!

In preparation for the Committee meeting to discuss positions for the upcoming AGM. I (the GM) had sent round a message asking who wished to remain in their current postion and/or who wished to resign. He responded with a long message explaning that he had been struggling with a long illness for the last nine months, (cancer was intimated) and would not be able to conitnue as RA this coming year. So I began the meeeting by thanking him on behalf of the club for his many years of service and complimenting on the great job he had done . . . . . and then the twat admitted that it was all just a wind up !!!! Sooo he was sat on the ice for quite some time ... though this is/was only the beginning! There is more to come . . . . . we are working on it!!!

The On On was held at Pura Asia and was really good – the best chinese/fusion restaurant that I have been to.

Well done hares … and what a pleasure it was to get out in the open air and begin hashing properly

Your Scribe


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Next Run#1698

Sunday 07 June 2020

16:00 hrs

Hares: Sir Flakey and Markus Skidius

Strictly only 20 Hashers per run/circle.

There will now be two runs/circles.

Circle A with Sir Flakey
Circle B with Markus Skidius

Registration Required - First Come First Served

Guidelines Apply - Please Click to Read

Hash Name *

Choose Your Circle * I prefer Circle A with Sir Flakey I prefer Circle B with Markus Skidius

Email *

Attending OnOn at Pura Asia? * Yes No

Confirmation * Before registering please confirm you have read the Mijas H3 Covid 19 guidelines re hashing in the open air.

Circle: La Cala

Navigation to the Circle at La Cala : Google Maps link to the circle.
Directions: ***See flyer below***
Google may direct you via a different route. We recommend you navigate to GALP Service Station Mijas Costa Av. del Golf, 29649, and follow the signs/map below.
If in doubt call your hare Sir Flakey on 695 660 450

OnOn: Pura AsiaAv. las Gardenias, 22, 29649 La Cala de Mijas, Málaga
Tel: 951 35 28 53
Navigation to The OnOn: Google Maps link to the OnOn.
Directions: ***See flyer below***

Please Check Back Regularly

Flyer - Run 1698.png


Run 1699 - 14 Jun 2020


Run 1697 - 31 May 2020