Run 989 - 13 Aug 2007

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Run  989 Monday  13th  August   2007 

 Hares:  Knockout Neptune alias Two Pies & Mermaid
Meeting at Monda the Run set off almost on time.
We ran through fantastic country with great views - perfect for hashing ... in my view, though necessarily there were lots of hills, and therefore not to everyone`s taste.

After about 10 mins the Hare managed to lose us all ... the markings simply ran out and it was a good 20 mins before we managed to pick up the trail some way on. Maybe the goats were to blame! Later we encountered a serious prickle factor and whilst we were warned in advance (a factor of 9/10) it didn`t make it any easier to endure! But overall,a good Hash in great country. It received a mark of 7.75. There were 3 aniversarios - Mork 45, Septic Scrotum 50 and Dumb Ass Ditch Dummy 55 runs.

After we all -yes all, everyone stayed for the On On! - enjoyed a great meal around the pool with as much wine as we all could drink. A great night ... much enjoyed by your scribe.

Kindergarten Cop 


Run 990 - 20 Aug 2007


Run 988 - 06 Aug 2007