Run 1695 - 17 May 2020

Run 1695 Header Photo.png

"A Sri Lankan Odyssey"

Hash Stats:

Hares: Rob the Knob and Sandpaper Sally
Marks for the Run: 9.9
Location: Zoom Virtual Trail - Borneo Exotics near Nuwara Eliya in Sri Lanka
Number of Hounds: 31
Visitors: Several
Distance: Not quantified
Virgins: Nil
Returners: Quite a few
Anniversaries: Same as seven weeks ago
Max Elevation: Not Determined Completion time: 1hr 20 minutes.

Hash Narrative:

Following on from our world tour last week the Hash travel theme continued with a journey to the highlands of Sri Lanka near Nuwara Eliya.
Our hares, Rob the Knob and Sandpaper Sally are long term breeders of Nepenthes, a genus of carnivorous plants also known as tropical pitcher plants, which they export around the world from their tropical estancia.

A strong showing of 31 hashers logged on and despite losing a few due to technical issues the run set off into a tropical wonderland. We started with a rooftop panorama across Sri Lankan valleys and distant mountains before winding our way down dirt trails with stepping stones in places. The hares had chosen dog food for trail markings. Completely useless for humans, tiny brown markings on a brown trail, but effective for our canine front runners Winston and Simeon.

There were frequent pauses for closeups of local fauna. Many colourful birds, amphibians, squirrels and even a leech, A few attentive hashers took notes.
On to a beer stop in a leafy glade where the hare paused for a break. Puzzled hashers flooded Zoom with why are we stopping comments. Er, because it is a beer stop, cried RtK.

Underway again we diverted to a greenhouse. Professor Sandpaper (aka Sandpaper Sally) took us through a Nepenthe nursery with a briefing on how these curious plants function. These plants like it hot and moist. So much so that a greenhouse is still required in tropical latitudes. Well worth a second viewing.

Thereafter more jungle trekking with Sandpaper Sally going missing along the way only to reappear for the final beer stop.

Sadly, most hashers failed to master the chat function on Zoom with only seven submitting answers to the excellent quiz prepared by the hares (answers below).

All in all a very fine Hash and many thanks to the hares for taking us away from locked down Spain and into their tropical paradise.

Your Scribe


Rob The Knob and Sandpaper Sally in Sri Lanka

For those wishing to delve deeper into the carnivorous plants grown at Nuwara Eliya the following videos my be of interest.

Rob The Knob at the Chelsea Flower Show 2007 - Interviewed by the BBC


Nepenthes Tissue Culture @ Borneo Exotics


Nepenthes Highland Nurseries @ Borneo Exotics Part 1


Nepenthes Highland Nurseries @ Borneo Exotics Part 2


Nepenthes Highland Nurseries @ Borneo Exotics Part 3


Nepenthes Highland Nurseries @ Borneo Exotics Part 4


Quiz Answers:

1) Eurasian Otter

2) Leech

3) Magpie Robin (or more correctly for the nerds – Oriental Magpie Robin)

4) Flame Backed Woodpecker

5) Palm Squirrel

6) Scimitar Babbler

7) Mynah (correctly Indian Mynah)

Next Virtual Run

Sunday 17 May 2020
13:00 hrs (Madrid Time)

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Your Hares:Rob The Knob and Sandpaper Sally


"A Sri Lankan Odyssey"

Direct from highland nurseries of Borneo Exotics near Nuwara Eliya in Sri Lanka.

Doors Open Around 12:30


Run 1696 - 24 May 2020


Run 1694 - 10 May 2020